Wednesday, October 2, 2024

 Notice of the Annual General Meeting of Reels Film Society

Dear Members,

This is to advise you of the upcoming Annual General Meeting of the members of Reels Film Society.

The details of this meeting are as follows:
Date: Thursday 17th October 2024
Time:7pm (movie to view after meeting)
Place: Sir Robert Helpmann Theatre, Mount Gambier

Agenda and Minutes are available on request and at the October Film Night.

At the meeting, members will have the opportunity to:
  • find out about and ask questions about Reels Film Society’s operations and finances
  • table topics for discussion and
  • vote on any resolutions proposed.

At the meeting, members will be asked to vote to:
  • accept the minutes of the last annual general meeting
  • accept the annual report, auditors report, annual financial statements
  • appoint an auditor
  • elect President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and 4 Committee members.
  • Vote on any other business requiring consideration


Over the 12 months Reels has delivered a balanced cinema program from around the globe featuring Limited Release films from USA (3), UK (2), France (2), Australia, Bhutan, Italy, Poland, South Korea and Spain. That’s 13 movie nights in 12 months!

Our average the Starbox rating over the 12 months to June 2024 was 3.9 with member’s votes in this Olympic year determining “Official Secrets” from the UK (4.7) as the Gold medallist narrowly edging out “A Yak in the Classroom” (Bhutan) and “Gurrumul” (Australia) both tied on a meritorious 4.6.

Our star is on the rise! Attendance at our monthly screenings has been healthy averaging around 101 up from last year’s 90! This year, two members of our committee, Sheryl Norris and Graham Carpenter travelled interstate to attend the Federation of Victorian Film Societies AGM and Information Day. This provided an ideal opportunity to share information and learn of practices that can improve the operations of film societies. One of the things we learnt was REELS is one of the largest groups in the Federation behind groups such as Ballarat.

The Reels Film Selection committee over the last 12 months or so has been keenly researching the film program for 2025. A challenging task for any film society and our appreciation goes to everyone who has put forward movies for consideration. Our focus remains on limited release art house movies that rarely make it to regional cinemas. We aim to have 2025 finalised before the end of November so we can inform members and prepare our promotional and membership application DL cards ready for distribution in the wider community before Christmas.

Financially we are in a good position. Reels have absorbed increases in expenses that include theatre hire, DVD purchases and hire, screening rights, printing, not to forget putting on an extra special film and a bus for a movie dinner night for members at Coonawarra. Annual Membership fees have been set for 2025. The increase of $5 per annum for Reels membership is the first time in many years. The 2025 subs are now set at the same membership rates that were in effect in 2015/2016!

The dedicated Reels Film Society committee members continue to work tirelessly behind the scenes as well as film nights. They should be up here with Sheryl and me for you to acknowledge their efforts, but they are busy doing what they do every film night. Our regular monthly meetings are usually held on weekends and are well attended. Reels would be a “No Show” without their outstanding efforts to organise DVD purchases, library management, obtain screening rights, banking and finance, purchase beverages and snacks in addition to their volunteer efforts on movie night. It is a fabulous team effort from Tricia Bott, Graham Carpenter, John Martin-Brown, Meredith McArthur, Sheryl Norris, Phil Riley and Catarina Santos. John has decided to retire from the Committee after many years of service and we acknowledge his lengthy contribution to Reels.

Our gratitude is also extended to members of our Film Selection Committee and our Public Officer, Mr. Graham Adams and our Honorary Auditor and Reviewer of our accounts, Mr. Doug Mullen.

We are indebted to our supporters and partners at ABC SE Local Radio and the Sir Robert Helpmann Theatre. We also thank all those individuals who have remained in the shadows, contributing in their own way. For example, the amazing Marcus Jones, our expert projectionist and technical problem solver and the Federation for Victorian Film Societies for the answers to the entire cinema matters beyond our ken.

In closing, a huge round of applause to you all here tonight for being part of a successful Film Society that is now entering its 18th year. A society that started in 2007 that continues to provide opportunities for socialising, making new friends in a welcoming environment, positive mental health, cultural awareness and lifelong learning and of course, superb cinema.

See you all next season.

Rob Forgan,
Reels Film Society,

1 October 2024 June 2024 SNAPSHOT

Membership: 166 - June 2024 (up from 155 June 2023).
Membership: Reels has one of the 3 largest membership bases of those affiliated with the Federation of Victorian Film Societies (FVFS). Average Attendance in 2023 2024: 101 (Up from 96 in 2023. 70 in 2022) Movies: 13 (12 in 2022/2023)
Starbox average score: 3.9 (4.7 High – 2.8 Low) A good score considering we had a couple of sub 3’s!

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