Tuesday, January 31, 2023

 Two strangers heading to Murmansk have an actual and metaphorical journey of discovery as being thrown together leads to self-discovery.

Thursday the 16th of February will see the second offering of the Reels 2023 season. This time a Finnish drama set on the northbound Russian train to Murmansk.

As usual doors open at 6:30, bar closes at 6:55 and screening starts at 7:00(ish).

If you are a member but not receiving our emails, please speak to John at the front desk.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

 It can be hard to get back into the swing of things after Christmas and the New Year, so a slightly late reminder of our first movie for 2023.

Our 2023 season will commence on Thursday 19th January. We will be starting with the Spanish comedy/drama "The Olive Tree", an unusual road trip from Spain to Germany to recover a special  olive tree.

As usual the doors will open at 6:30 with the screening starting at 7:00. Our bar will be closing at 6:55, so please try to get your drinks before then so our bar volunteers can clear up and not miss too much of the film.


Membership renewals are due. If you want to avoid becoming part of the Queue Conspiracy please consider paying by bank transfer. Our bank details are:

Account Name: Reels Film Society Inc

Bendigo Bank (Mount Gambier)

BSB: 633-000

Account Number:  165 144 858