Saturday, July 11, 2009

Heckle 'n Jeckle review of "Band's Visit"

Hello Film Buffs

Poor Jeckle was ill so it's down to Heckle to go it alone with thoughts about The Band's Visit. It took a little while for me to "get into" this film but once there I was hooked. It was a simple story about a situation which occurs all the time - two disparate groups of people accidentally thrown together. The relationship between some of the band members and their hosts, during their short time together brought some of their life choices to the fore with varying degrees of regret. However their self discovery left me feeling that all would be well for them. The film was both poignant and funny. The band members were rediculous, but dignified - very likeable. I loved the bleak, but beautiful landscape, contrasting with the blue uniforms. It was a 3 1/2 star rating for me.

Goodbye Lenin - seen by Heckle and Jeckle at the Nova - but we'll be there with bells on to see it again. Don't miss it!! Once again a sad but funny film. It's about a loving family protecting their dying mother from the truth about the fact that Lenin is no longer.

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